
Introducing Mirlo

Mirlo provides a user-friendly space to help musicians sell music, manage subscriptions, and share with their supporters.

Published at: 9/12/23, 12:31 PM

Noise Uprising: Reading Group Jul 20th at 9am EST. Co-hosted with Radical Vital Ruins

In Noise Uprising: The Audiopolitics of a World Musical Revolution, cultural historian Michael Denning delves into the politics of music recorded in the late 1920s and early 1930s. This was a pivotal era and the cusp of the emergence of electrical...

Published at: 4/8/23, 12:00 AM

The Spotify AI Blues

We can learn a lot from Spotify, its attempts to be profitable, and the model’s incredible popularity among consumers. The corporation’s pursuit of profits will push it to explore AI-generated music, calling into question the intrinsic value of music,...

Published at: 4/8/23, 12:00 AM

Total 3 posts.